在地球生命起源之初,一枚细胞分作三份,最终进化成名为贝姆(龟梨和也 饰)、贝拉(杏 饰)和贝罗(铃木福 饰)的三个“
中年银行职员Sheila Woolchapel在当地的百货公司买入了一件漂亮的红裙子后,面对原本吃力不讨好的工作、沉
Anthology horror based on cats! Of Cats and Men, The Catbu
A man gets stuck in an empty high rise without food, water
Öznur is a young and beautiful woman. She has had a platon
This time, horror comes fron the other side
Family navigates turbulent 1960s dynamics. Mom separates f
In Terror Train 2, it has been over a year since a series
Cami is sent to a secluded religious center by her father,
In the new horror film, which is inspired by the classic 1
在网络监查科兼职的大学生俊赫,为了和生气的女友世熙(朴宝英 饰)重归于好,转而求助于女友的妹妹——高中女孩静美。静美
After a booking mistake, four drag queens find themselves
A group of strangers awaken in a house and a living nightm
再过不久,贝茨(Tabrett Bethell 饰)和丈夫卡麦林(安迪·惠特菲尔德 Andy Whitfield 饰
A couple hires a live-in nanny to watch the offspring whil